Privacy Policy

Our Members, friends, funders and supporters are incredibly important to us. Without your help, we simply wouldn’t be able to support the amazing work The Tagore Centre UK carries out.

We are here to promote Tagore’s work and life to all audiences and keep his legacy alive and with that we need help through our Membership and general support to raise money to fund the work we do. However you choose to help, we’ll always respect your rights and your choices. We promise to respect your data and be clear as best we can with how we handle it, keep it safe and why we hold it. We aim to be clear when we collect your personal information and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy then please do contact our general secretaty who will be happy to talk you through it. Our contact details are:

Centre and Lending Library
Alexandra Park Library,
Alexandra Park Road,
London N22 7UJ

Tel: 020 8444 6751 (NB please leave a message and we shall get back to you as soon as we can.)

Who we are

Established in 1985, the Tagore Centre UK promotes and disseminate the prodigious creativity of Rabindranath Tagore, a myriad-minded literary Colossus, an outstanding thinker of the 20th Century and the first non-European recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

The Tagore Centre is a registered charity, no: 800060, with a written constitution, and run by a democratically elected Executive Committee. The Centre is open to all communities and cultures and is committed to spreading Tagore’s message of universal humanity beyond borders and geographical limits.

Read here about our achievements here

Our duty

In carrying out our activities we process and store personal information relating to our Members and supporters and are therefore required to adhere to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. We take our responsibilities under this act very seriously and we ensure the personal information we obtain is held, used, transferred and otherwise processed in accordance with that Act and all other applicable data protection laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations.

How we collect information on you

We collect personal information from you when you enquire about our activities, attend an event, make a donation, sign up to an event, volunteer, engage with our social media channels or otherwise provide us with your personal information. We sometimes use third parties to collect data on our behalf to support our activities. This might include running raffles, event registrations, setting up Direct Debits and processing your donations, and ensuring our records are as up to date as possible through running address and detail verification checks.

The personal information that we may request might include your name, your age, gender, ethnic background, location and/or country information, and possibly other information, as well as credit card or other financial information needed to process donations or event fees. We may also ask you if you are a UK tax payer so that we can claim Gift Aid (please rest assured that we do not collect information about your actual tax payments, just whether you are a tax payer).

Periodically, your information may be shared with/collected by key partners or third party suppliers (Mail Chimp/Host papa). E.g. if we were hosting an event at the Nehru Centre or Bhavan or taking donations from fundraising sites like Just Giving or Virgin Money Giving. We will always make it clear on our website and literature when we’re working with a partner for a project or event, or using new platforms to promote our work.

Your preferences

We’d love to keep in touch with you to keep you up to date on news, events and fundraising campaigns, and what’s happening at The Tagore Centre UK, matters related to your Membership (if applicable) and news about Tagore in general. We will hold your preferences on how you wish to hear from us whether it’s email, telephone or post.

To increase our fundraising reach we research information in the public domain on local organisations, companies and schools to find contact details to get in touch about our latest activities and appeals. We will not call any company or organisation registered with the Corporate Telephone Preference Service.

Collection of financial data

We may use third-party suppliers, contractors or solutions to sell products. This would be for both Members and non-Members, where we are either selling items such as  Membership, event tickets, payment for classes, or physical goods such as publications, CDs and other such merchandise. We may also use third-party suppliers to collect sponsorship and donations.  Though we may collect personal data from these suppliers we would not expect to hold actual payment details following such transactions, though this may be the case if we are taking donations over the phone or in person. If so, we shall make it clear when we dispose of your payment details.

Examples of such suppliers may include: PayPal, Ebay, Weebly, WordPress plugins, Just Giving, Virgin Giving, and other similar platforms.


We do not currently gather information on how you use our website through the use of Cookies but we may do in the future. Cookies are text files, which identify a user’s computer to our server. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. Information on controlling cookies or rejecting cookies is available from several web sites, e.g.


This website uses Google Analytics tracking codes to measure performance enabling us to enhance and improve services for our audiences. However, we do not collect personally-identifiable information (PII) as all data collected is anonymous. For full details on how Google Analytics works, please visit Google Analytics Terms of Service. If you do not want Google Analytics to use your data, then please visit Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

How we will use your personal information?

We may use your information for a number of purposes including the following:

  • To provide you with information about our work or our activities that you have requested
  • To provide you with Members only information about our work or our activities
  • For Member/non-Member administration purposes e.g. we may contact you about a donation you have made or event you have expressed an interest in or registered for
  • To ask you to help us raise money or donate money to our Charity
  • For internal record keeping, including the management of membership details, enquiries, contributors or partners any for feedback or complaints
  • To use IP addresses to identify your approximate location, to block disruptive use, to record website traffic or to personalise the way our information is presented to you
  • To analyse and improve the services offered on our sites to make it as user-friendly as possible
  • To use anonymised personal data to benchmark our activity with other relevant organisations
  • Transfer to HM Revenue and Customs in respect of any Gift Aid claims
  • For statutory and regulatory compliance
  • We may assess your personal information for the purposes of credit risk reduction or fraud prevention though this would be a very rare occasion indeed.

Profile research

In addition to this we may use Member/non-Member data for wealth screening, profiling and research to gain a better understanding of our supporters, inform our fundraising strategy and target our communications more effectively and appropriately. Wealth screening enables us to better target our conversations about fundraising and therefore generate funds cost-effectively.

We may also undertake research on our supporter’s personal information to help us make informed decisions. This may include research on demographic, philanthropic, business and financial information from publicly available sources, including social media. We may also combine the data you provide (Member or non-Member) with data we obtain from other sources (e.g. to verify we have correct addresses/postcodes).

If you do not wish your data to be used in any of the ways listed in this paragraph or have questions about this, you can notify us here

Who has access to your personal information?

Your personal information is stored at the centre and access is limited to members of the Executive Committee, though financial details are limited to certain staff.

We may pass your information to our third party service providers, agents, subcontractors and other associated organisations for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf (for example to process donations and send out mailings). When we use third party service providers, we only disclose information necessary to deliver that service and these parties  usually hold their own Terms and Conditions and Privacy policy/statement on their website with regards to their management of personal data. However, we will not share or sell your data to third parties to use for their own purposes unless we are required to do so by law, for example, by a court order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime.

How we keep your personal information secure?

We ensure that there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details; for example our online forms are always encrypted and our network is protected and routinely monitored. We undertake regular reviews of who has access to information that we hold to ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and contractors.

How long will we hold your personal information for?

We will keep your information for as long as required to enable us to operate our services but we will not keep your information for any longer than is necessary. We will take into consideration our legal obligations and tax and accounting rules when determining how long we should retain your information. When we no longer need to retain your information we will ensure it is securely disposed of, at the appropriate time.

Your choices

You have a choice about whether or not you wish to receive information from us. If you do not want to receive direct marketing communications from us about the vital work we do for the hospital and our events and activities then please let us know at any time by emailing or calling us on 020 8444 6751. Likewise, you can also reverse your contact preferences.

If the telephone number we hold for you is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) then we will not contact you on that phone number except for administrative purposes.

If you unsubscribe from communications from us from any or all of the communication channels mentioned above, then we will update our records to stop further communication as quickly as we can. Due to some communications already being in progress at the point you opt out please be aware that it can take up to a month for your preferences to be fully implemented.

We will only ever share your data in other circumstances if we have your explicit and informed consent.

Keeping your information up-to-date

The accuracy of your information is important to us. You can update your information with us, including your address and contact details at any time. If you would like to change your preferences or update the details we hold about you, please email or call us on 020 8444 6751.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  • request a copy of the information we hold about you
  • update or amend the information we hold about you if it is wrong
  • change your communication preferences at any time
  • ask us to remove your personal information from our records
  • raise a concern or complaint about the way in which your information is being used

If you wish to talk through anything in our privacy statement, find out more about your rights, or obtain a copy of the information we hold please email or call us on 020 8444 6751.

Children and privacy
We take the protection of children very seriously. To that end, we require that children under 16 do not submit any information to our website without a parent’s or guardian’s consent. We will not knowingly request or collect from a child any information online that can be traced to the child, such as an email address, name, or information about the child’s family. Unless a parent or guardian consents to such use in advance, we will not knowingly use information that a child provides to us for any fundraising or promotional purpose.

Complaints, compliments or comments

If you are unhappy with our work or something that we have done or failed to do, we want to know about it. We also welcome your views on what we do well. Your comments enable us as an organisation to learn and continuously improve our services. If you would like to make a complaint, compliment or comment then please get in touch either by email or call us on 020 8444 6751.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will make this clear on our website.


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